Digital Service Excellence in 2022

Jan 20, 2022
Written by Davinsi Labs

The year 2021 was another unique year. Digital Service Excellence and the power of data were more important than ever. Last year created opportunities for companies to further improve the digital experience of their users, but it also brought some challenges when we consider the impact of Hafnium, PrintNightmare, and at the end of the year Apache Log4j.

Covid-19 continues to have a huge impact on our daily lives and the way we work. Remote working has evolved from a temporary fact to the new normal. For many organizations, this was an important accelerator in digitization and the (re)thinking of their security and service intelligence strategy. In this blog article, we highlight the trends in digital service excellence for 2022.

The road in 2021

How would we describe 2021 from a security and service intelligence perspective? The challenges of 2021 were definitely: flexibility, resilience, control over your data, and hiring the right talents, but also an unprecedented adaptation to continuously changing circumstances.

The security hits kept coming with DDoS attacks, new vulnerabilities, several 0-days attacks, and daily phishing mails. HafniumPrintNightmare, and Apache Log4j came at a rapid pace and their impact was often significant (read more in our blogs). Companies can outsmart hackers by being prepared. Make sure you have visibility in your IT environment, identify potential risks and define your Crown Jewels, patch your software, allocate resources, investigate incidents, automate actions and get the comfort of knowing what happens in your environment.

In Service Intelligence, companies faced three interconnected evolutions: digital transformation at high- speed versus customers who expect an excellent digital experience; the increasing switch to the digital channel; and the corresponding demand for talent in digital innovation. 

The growing impact of digital services on the daily lives of end customers means that it is no longer enough to know that every part of your service is simply ‘up and running’. Companies also need to have perfect insight into how those parts are performing, what their interrelationships are, and what their impact is on the service quality.

What’s on the roadmap for 2022?

Security Intelligence

  • Be prepared for more breaches. The universal security refrain of ‘Not if, but when’ remains valid. Cyber hygiene is an organization’s best defense. Increase your overall security posture. Consistent security practices including multi-factor authentication, full patching, and asset identification can help prevent major breaches.
  • Ransomware continues to be a big security threat to organizations. It doesn’t matter whether you are a large or a small organization. Unfortunately, attackers don’t discriminate. Again, being prepared and having an incident response and recovery plan can reduce recovery time and costs.
  • Phishing remains a popular attack method. Empower your users with security awareness training.
  • The extended perimeter is there to stay. COVID-19 forced employees to work from home and in the future, the hybrid way of working is the new way of working. We have to stop thinking of security inside and behind the perimeter and grow towards an integrated approach.
  • DevSecOps is a positive and inevitable reality. Adopting the key principle of moving security from the last step of software development to the first will be further integrated into development.

“Ever since the beginning of Davinsi Labs, we have always had the same core values. Focus, passion, and excellence. These three values connect us as a team and represent what we strive for on a day-to-day basis. Last year was a great example of that. We continued focusing on the growth and expansion of our managed services portfolio. To double down on this vision, we recalibrated how we organize ourselves by shifting to a full DevOps Factory model. In retrospect, I am extremely proud of how our team passionately perfected the LESS model and how we successfully delivered many projects.” – Bram Fabeck – CEO of Davinsi Labs.

Service Intelligence

  • The pandemic-driven acceleration towards a digital world for many aspects of our daily life and work has left serious gaps in customer experience. Observability becomes essential for organizations looking to understand how their complex webs of cloud services are actually performing, providing teams with the ability to observe, understand and act on their data to improve the customer journey. Too few companies monitor whether a service works from start to finish according to the (high) expectations of the user. The digital experience used to be less important (uptime was the only measure), but is now central.
  • Observability and AIOps will converge to unlock increased value. The inextricable link between observability and AIOps will become commonplace as organizations increasingly recognize the importance of taking action on observability, and their data, with machine learning when critical issues occur.

“Our teams worked closely together and achieved great results. This was possible due to the trust and strong partnerships we have with our customers. 2022 will be no different. Every day we will continue to strive for higher quality. We will focus on perfecting our offering and giving valuable security and service intelligence insights so our customers can reach a level of digital service excellence. It is our mission and promise to help create a better and safer digital world.” – Bram Fabeck – CEO of Davinsi Labs.


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